Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pieces of information and...well.. impulses.

Its 3:45 am and lets totally avoid the question as to why I am WIDE awake and blogging. I had this sorta awakening(literally and figuratively) one of those things that hit you in the middle of the night this one is about the two things that make my life one of the best lives to live ...its all about lil pieces of information..knowing facts that would otherwise skip your notice but MUST be noticed.
Like the fact that my dog sits at my door waiting for me when i lock it..the fact that a simple statement made by me can lead people into taking crazy risks (making you feel important in the process). ...the fact that my parents are really sound sleepers (so thankful to the lord above)..the fact that i have a brother who loves freaking people out and has got me hooked to it too..the fact that some people can just calm you down and stop time...And all these other pieces of information that make things so much more amazing.

The second most important thing happens to be impulsiveness - random behavior and risk taking which would normally be considered utter and complete STUPIDITY. but this stupidity is so damn worth it! just to sight a random example completely unrelated to my would be absolutely stupid for a person to sneak out of your own house (risk 1) in the middle of the night (risk 2) and ride on a bike half way across the city (risk3) in the rain (risk4) and THEN sneak into someone ELSE'S house (risk 5), a house with a brother (risk 6) and a dog(risk 7). stay there for just about an hour and repeat risks in backward order... all this just "cause you felt like it" .. this entire situation is of course hypothetical no one would ACTUALLY do that..but if someone were to be amazing enough to do something like that.. you gotta would pretty damn fun.


  1. All in a days work, for.. well that non exsitant being....... = )

  2. True that... few things are as amazing as random people doing completely unexpected things for you... The way Ani came up with a superawesome pardy on ur birthday last year! Or like karan took me to that 'strictly-for-keshav' park thing when i wasn't doing too good... and people who'd do random shit like riding all the way to someone else's house on a whim?? Nah...those come rare...
