Monday, July 19, 2010

My Personalised Lingo.

I think this is the first time I have ever posted 2 entries in such quick succession ..well.. YAY!!!!!
Now lets get on with it. There are certain terms that I tend to use that need to be recognized. They are good enough to be in dictionaries and encyclopedias (duh. since I came up with them).

Lets start of with something simple 1. ASS - innovative short form of Attention Seeking Syndrome. Usage- "He's a bad case of ASS" or "MAN!! thats some serious ASS" or simply " what an ASS"
Now a person suffering from this syndrome does just about anything to gain a couple of glances example ; the class clown who tries way too hard, the girl who is ALWAYS crying, person who makes weird noises when the conversation is not about them any more, the girls that get 'drunk' with a sip. You find people suffering from this syndrome in every walk of life thus ASS is an extremely useful acronym.

2. FULL POWER- expression for something that goes extremely well or is/was a lot of fun.
Usage- "that party was Full Power!!" or "this rollercoster is Full Power!!". This particular phase is better expressed when you throw in a \m/.

3.Shanti - Shanti ya- This one kinda explains itself, its to be used when one is at the sublime feeling of peace (also known as drunk). The best part about this term is its second person usage. example; "ya i met him yesterday he was all Shanti Shanti ya though" or "they like the world all Shanti shanti ya". This phrase simple and easily adaptable.

4. KILL THE DONKEY - a friend of mine actually said it but the credit of making it lingo goes entirely to me and my brother. This phrase is used to denounce anything that disturbs you.
origin- we were on a 12day trip and no matter where we stayed for the night be it remote corner of the country or a bustling city, the moment we lay down to fall a sleep a donkey would always start braying out of absolutely nowhere. the natural reaction to this was quite obviously.. KILL THE DONKEY!!.
scenarios of usage; while sitting in an important lecture and someone is making squeaky chair noises, when some annoying person's cell phone rings in the theater, when someone talks loudly when you are trying to sleep, e.t.c. in all these cases the phrase must be yelled out while pointing at the culprit.

To be continued... one of my friends had a major fit of ASS.

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