Saturday, July 31, 2010

Everyday Life

There are things in life that are considered "everyday" like being plagued by beggars on the street, climbing stairs to class, texting a friend when bored, eating a hurried breakfast, the list can go on forever...yet all these everyday things that we consider mundane and unimportant shape the life we live..thus are MOST important. I am not saying "we must wake up with a spring in our step and cherish the very breath we take and appreciate the beauty of each flower.. blah blah blah" cause honestly that doesn't happen and if people did it, it would be annoyingly cheerful. can't stand people like that. What I am trying to say is that it is within these very activities that meaningful things happen. Like the one lone man in tatters you might see playing the flute with touching notes, another homeless person like so many we see each day but that one man you can never forget, like meeting someone while rushing up the stairs to class who ends up becoming a friend, like that one random text from someone special that may make your day or simply dad making you breakfast for a change cause you are running late..who says dads can't show emotion? you just have to look for it.
I don't know if I have managed to make my point because my thoughts themselves are rather vague but I suppose i could sum it up by saying - pay a little bit of attention to your everyday is what life is really all about. =)

p.s. would you look at THAT! I CAN be a tad emotional

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pieces of information and...well.. impulses.

Its 3:45 am and lets totally avoid the question as to why I am WIDE awake and blogging. I had this sorta awakening(literally and figuratively) one of those things that hit you in the middle of the night this one is about the two things that make my life one of the best lives to live ...its all about lil pieces of information..knowing facts that would otherwise skip your notice but MUST be noticed.
Like the fact that my dog sits at my door waiting for me when i lock it..the fact that a simple statement made by me can lead people into taking crazy risks (making you feel important in the process). ...the fact that my parents are really sound sleepers (so thankful to the lord above)..the fact that i have a brother who loves freaking people out and has got me hooked to it too..the fact that some people can just calm you down and stop time...And all these other pieces of information that make things so much more amazing.

The second most important thing happens to be impulsiveness - random behavior and risk taking which would normally be considered utter and complete STUPIDITY. but this stupidity is so damn worth it! just to sight a random example completely unrelated to my would be absolutely stupid for a person to sneak out of your own house (risk 1) in the middle of the night (risk 2) and ride on a bike half way across the city (risk3) in the rain (risk4) and THEN sneak into someone ELSE'S house (risk 5), a house with a brother (risk 6) and a dog(risk 7). stay there for just about an hour and repeat risks in backward order... all this just "cause you felt like it" .. this entire situation is of course hypothetical no one would ACTUALLY do that..but if someone were to be amazing enough to do something like that.. you gotta would pretty damn fun.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Personalised Lingo -2(READ THE 1ST ONE 1ST )

MET - Mutual Exploitation Theory;
The originator of this theory is a certain Anurag Ramgopal(my elder brother), pure genius which they say runs in the Ramgopal family and is more enhanced in the younger child of the family anyway, This theory simply explains all these couples one meets that have nothing to offer each other except..well .. mutual exploitation. Its a win win situation really you get to be a couple thus are tuned into the social requirements of the day and couldn't careless when it doesn't work out.
Usage; "They MET each other" or "She MET that dude at a party" e.t.c.

Slek - Siggu leni kukka (means shameless dog)
Pronunciation; slek ..a combination of the pronunciation of sleek and shreak = slek
this term is can be used for anybody who is behaving like shameless dog (sorry, lack of a better option). But this phrase is to be used in a loving manner ..not in a yelly angry manner
Usage; "stop acting like a slek" or "SLEK!!! WE ARE GETTING SERIOUSLY LATE"

S.O.P. - Standered Operating Procedure
This is actually a trem used in the army but no one outside it really uses it. It means what it says as in it is used to indicated the regular behavioral pattern of any person or thing .
Usage; "dude..she's crying.' 'oh, don't worry thats S.O.P." or..its what my family says when i hurt myself (AGAIN)and am whining in pain -" whats the big deal thats your S.O.P."

I think thats all the important ones for now...learn them , spread them. get them in the dictionary(or at least wikipedia ..i mean how hard is THAT)

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Personalised Lingo.

I think this is the first time I have ever posted 2 entries in such quick succession ..well.. YAY!!!!!
Now lets get on with it. There are certain terms that I tend to use that need to be recognized. They are good enough to be in dictionaries and encyclopedias (duh. since I came up with them).

Lets start of with something simple 1. ASS - innovative short form of Attention Seeking Syndrome. Usage- "He's a bad case of ASS" or "MAN!! thats some serious ASS" or simply " what an ASS"
Now a person suffering from this syndrome does just about anything to gain a couple of glances example ; the class clown who tries way too hard, the girl who is ALWAYS crying, person who makes weird noises when the conversation is not about them any more, the girls that get 'drunk' with a sip. You find people suffering from this syndrome in every walk of life thus ASS is an extremely useful acronym.

2. FULL POWER- expression for something that goes extremely well or is/was a lot of fun.
Usage- "that party was Full Power!!" or "this rollercoster is Full Power!!". This particular phase is better expressed when you throw in a \m/.

3.Shanti - Shanti ya- This one kinda explains itself, its to be used when one is at the sublime feeling of peace (also known as drunk). The best part about this term is its second person usage. example; "ya i met him yesterday he was all Shanti Shanti ya though" or "they like the world all Shanti shanti ya". This phrase simple and easily adaptable.

4. KILL THE DONKEY - a friend of mine actually said it but the credit of making it lingo goes entirely to me and my brother. This phrase is used to denounce anything that disturbs you.
origin- we were on a 12day trip and no matter where we stayed for the night be it remote corner of the country or a bustling city, the moment we lay down to fall a sleep a donkey would always start braying out of absolutely nowhere. the natural reaction to this was quite obviously.. KILL THE DONKEY!!.
scenarios of usage; while sitting in an important lecture and someone is making squeaky chair noises, when some annoying person's cell phone rings in the theater, when someone talks loudly when you are trying to sleep, e.t.c. in all these cases the phrase must be yelled out while pointing at the culprit.

To be continued... one of my friends had a major fit of ASS.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am a music addict the sorts that needs to be thrown into rehab. Let me illustrate.

Every single moment in my life significant or not, has a sound track because there is always a song in my head. sometimes a good one sometimes a really irritating one which causes headaches to all around me (i have to admit ..i like that).I even mold my activities according to the song playing on the radio.I listen to those self empowering songs and feel I can do just about anything. I follow this feeling up with doing "just about anything" and reaching home injured or looking really sheepish. I endlessly correct lyrics that people sing, another one of my many annoying attributes.
Music makes me look forward to each day and reminisce of days gone by all at the same time.Classic rock and old hindi song never fail to blow me away into a parallel universe.The beats, the sounds of the primitive synthesizer ...all of it is just magical.

Good taste in music is an EXTREMELY important criteria for my prince charming.

I have barely been able to tell you how much music means to me or how its the singular master of my universe because words seem to fail me (writer's block explained differently)

I am positive that a million people around the world have written about music and what it means to them, on the basis of that assumption this should be one of the run of the mill blog entries but i feel the very fact that so many people out there experience exactly what i do make it special .. not mundane. Then again that's just positive old me =P