Thursday, December 16, 2010

BAD Blogger award!!!

Yes... and the winner is ( drum roll ) MEEE!!!!!!! (takes a bow)
so after making that wonderful 'blog atleast once a week' resolution here i am blogging after far too long. The funny thing being that a lot has passed since the last time i blogged but putting any of it into words seems rather tough.
So I am going to fall back on my usual way of working ... POINTS!
  • Making drastic changes-I decided to change my stream of education. Bold choice, considering the havoc it created at home, large financial loss, the uncertain field I did choose and most of all the lack of what they call "fire in my belly" (sounds really uncomfortable though).
  • The welcome ceremony of the fire in my belly - reading the material for my new course, looking into new colleges, talking to a lot of concerned people also giving in my "I'm LEAVING " application.
  • Teaching makes me happy - I got an opportunity to teach little children how to draw and I loved it! though it gives my father nightmares because he thinks I'm confusing myself. I'm not. I like it, its a part time thing but I am quiet sure of what exactly I want to do. literature followed by mass communications. But no matter how many times i repeat it my daddy still thinks I am confused. *sigh* he must have his reasons i suppose the "fire" needs a little more raging.
  • The fire is here to stay, but wants me to take a trip to France though - I have been punching out articles, scraping them, re- writing them for a while now just to see on how many different aspects I can write on. While I was doing this I realised I can do even more with my time. Like learn french! why french you may ask, well they have excellent teaching faculty, even better exchange programmes, I have to take an additional subject In my graduation and If I manage to learn it well now... guess whose going to ACE graduation!! well atleast a part of it. Also a chance to see France! (that rhymed)
  • The fire ain't burning calories - I wish it would at least I'd get rid of some amount of blubber but alas that isn't going too well I think I'll have to join a gym now since its beyond the stage of simply bothering me.. its scary now. Also to think my aspired job is probably going to involve a lot of sit-on-chair-go-pling-plong, i think it is time to move that boootieee!
  • Stuff to do- so basically I have a lot going on and it will turn into a lot more in a bit but I think I'll like that.

1 comment:

  1. I met Anna at the Manthan Awards in Delhi.. So humble! You look at that man in his dhoti and you just wouldn't know he's the basis of life-restoring changes.. . AND you wouldn't believe the number of teenagers and youth who haven't heard of him..a small man from a small town, with a far-reaching thought process..
