Thursday, September 23, 2010

When I grow up...

No..its not about that annoying and unbearable pussycat dolls song its more about how what we wanted to be changed with our age ...well I dunno if I should use a collective pronoun there because I do have some very focused friends like one who, when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up in lower kindergarten replied loudly " RICH!!" , she still as determined and yells with the same enthusiasm.

In my case however things were different..
3year old me loved the idea of being a boy when she grew up (just like my big brother)

5year old me (after playing a few 'educational' games with her brother) wanted to be a spy!!! the one that sneak attacked and killed the MOST !! YEAA!!

7year old me sobered a little and wanted to be a builder(courtesy logo) or a cook .

9year old me thought 7 year old me was definitely stupid and wanted to do something that would bring honor to the family ...9 year old me wanted to be a doctor. (telling her parents her aim during this phase of her life was the biggest childhood blunder she made,( I like to call it BIG MISTAKE part 1) for her parents held on to this dream till I was 16 and sobbed that it wasn't a grandmother never did accept it wasn't a reality)

11 year old me became a little more defined and wanted to be a kids doctor ( in my opinion 11 year old me was the stupidest of the lot ... I HATE KIDS)

13 year old me began seeing the lurking dangers of encouraging 9 and 11 year old me and decided the the two of them were nit wits! I just can't study that much OR cut up things that lived ! 13 year old me seriously contemplated being a poet and a song writer (her father collapsed)
15 year old me knew very clearly what she DIDN'T want to do as opposed to what she DID want to do ( welcome to a whole new era) she didn't want to do anything with the sciences nothing AT all so there went the comfort zone of her parents .. no engineering, medical, architecture... nothing "safe" (her mother collapsed)

17 year old me gave everyone (including herself) new hope... I.A.S.officer (Indian Administrative service) BIG MISTAKE part 2 because now EVERYONE expects it. It has gone beyond family expectations its friend's families expectations and their grandparents expectations ...sigh..

Now I am 18 (which is by definition- grown up) ... I have absolutely NO idea what i wanna be... journalism sounds good, artistic fields sound good too, I don't have anything against trying out I.A.S. ,advertising seems nice... did I mention I am studying economics? ya.. I could do something related...maybe management....till then I'll just go back to saying something I heard a 4 year old say recently...when I grow up..i am gonna be BOSS!!!