Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm ALWAYS right.

Through years of experience I have come to the conclusion that I am always right (not in my exams of course or in my spellings ) in general.. when it comes to life I am always right. I am not saying i like it (ok who am i kidding i love it ) . Loads of those thundering idiots who i call my friends (if you're thinking of a " birds of a feather " wise crack.. SHUT IT.), will grudgingly agree that i am. there are several instances to prove my ultimate accuracy for example once when my friend sneaked his two wheeler out of his place(which he did every other day) I took one look at him and said you are going to get caught today. he was grounded for half a month.
Once i told a friend that if she dated this particular loon she'd get dumped in less than 2 weeks. She was sobbing on my shirt (ugh) on the 12th day.
I told this love struck guy if he sticks around just a few days longer he's gonna get his girl. They were mushy texting in 2 days time (ok fine! I had an in site because i knew she liked him but STILL. Its cool)
While sneaking out of my house one night i told my friend " dude i am so gonna get caught" He said "nah! you have done this millions of times.. you NEVER get caught" my very grouchy parents opened the door for my return. The memories of what followed still hurt. ouch.

You when my predictions are most accurate? When people take my advice and don't listen to it. that is when I am ALWAYS right. Its just upsetting that usually after not listening to me they are a mess and i don't get to use the four words that give me most pleasure in the world.. so i just yell it out at them randomly a month or two later.. usually and preferably in crowded areas. Nothing in the world can give you the satisfaction of yelling I TOLD YOU SO!