Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Strangeness that is ME

Well I tend to do a lot of strange things.. don't we all? here are a few things I do, I doubt most of you will identify but i sure hope so.
  • When people around me are having a conversation and use a unusual term or word i drift of and start thinking of a funny story about how it got invented. (I nod the whole time and they don't suspect a thing.)
  • bugs distract me like hell. Not the "EEEEEEEE!!! ITS GONNA KILL ME" way the " oo.. i wonder where it'll go next?is it a male or a fema...oh! going into her shirt.. male then." way.
  • I have a terrible urge of kicking my dog when he's asleep peacefully and I HAVE TO STUDY.
  • I make music videos for EVERY song I hear and i Hate messaging or talking to people as its almost like I am watching a movie.
  • When i see someone say something awesome on T.V. I make up scenarios where I could be the smart one saying those things.(no im not self obsessed its just something that do involuntarily)
  • I artistically draw the name of the person I am talking to on the phone.
  • I make up words while talking to stupid people to see them use it on other people ( gives me immense pleasure.. no I'm not sadistic its just something i do involuntarily )
  • I hate and love music in equal amounts.
  • I find chauvinistic jokes absolutely hilarious and they don't piss me off at all.( I am not a chauvinist its just something i do involuntarily)