Sunday, February 14, 2010


well I believe that this statement completely non applicable but is used EVERYDAY by my mother, and the frequency of this statement is raising drastically as my boards get closer. It gets a tad annoying when its being yelled at various hours of the day usually sunday since she's home that day. The instances are the following(we'll do this time wise)
8:30 - GET UP!!! look at the time ! you should be up at 5 and studying! STOP WASTING TIME.
9:30 - still having breakfast?? its almost noon!! STOP WASTING TIME.
11:30- are you STILL having a bath?? honestly STOP WASTING TIME.
12:30- why are you in the kitchen?? drinking water. *the 'ya right' expression* STOP WASTING TIME.
1:30 - i'll CALL you when lunch is ready don't hang around here. STOP WASTING TIME.
2:30- what?? you want to sit online? STOP WASTING TIME.
3:30 - if i catch you asleep on your book again!! STOP WASTING TIME.
5:30 - ok so you slept for an hour and a half now sit down to study properly.STOP WASTING TIME.
6:30 - are you in the loo?? still? STOP WASTING TIME.
7:30 - put that news paper down.its not gonna come for your exams. STOP WASTING TIME.
8:30 - play with casper later, he not going anywhere.STOP WASTING TIME
9:30 - we'll have a quick dinner so you don't waste time.
10.30- look another day is over STOP WASTING TIME
11 onwards mom is asleep and i study best at night

basic inference drawn-
1.sleeping,bathing, eating, visiting the loo, art, drinking are all a waste of time.
2.its apparently not believable to simply be drinking water in the kitchen as the possibilities are limitless and also it might be a devious plan to *psst- waste time)
3.I hate Sundays.